2013 is the year of the snake. Our class made year of the snake projects. Everyones is different. Mine is an animoto. I learned how to use clay and make it into a video. I also learned lots about the year of the snake. I learned they are smart, deep thinkers, good looking, etc. I also learned they make good potters, scientists, etc. I really liked this project. Next time I will try to make the pictures a bit nicer and make sure there is nothing in the background like pens or pencils.
2/22/2013 07:28:06 am

Good picture, it would look even more cool if the snake had it's tongue out!

2/22/2013 09:31:29 am

your picture is good but on the other hand maybe you could list some of the years such as the dragon,horse ect...

2/23/2013 12:28:53 pm

Where did you get that picture?

G Heffley
2/27/2013 08:21:00 am

I took the picture from weebly.

2/24/2013 04:04:07 am

Did you take that picture? Why did you choose an Animoto?

G Heffley
2/27/2013 08:22:29 am

I did not take that photo. I chose animoto because it is easy to use and makes good videos.

2/24/2013 10:13:17 am

I like Cole's and Greg's questions and you should try and remove the "more" section in your website.

2/24/2013 10:26:35 am

maybe you could put up a picture about your new years project?

2/24/2013 10:37:59 am

I like the look of the website you chose.

G Heffley
2/27/2013 08:23:04 am

Thank you


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